At Hieroweb Interactive we employ techniques that allow
us to expand solutions that we have previously developed,
in addition to creating fully new and unique business solutions.
We can customize any Internet business solution for your
specialized needs and requirements. Our intent is to provide
you with Internet software solutions that function and behave
exactly like your business does.
Our software solutions can be web site, intranet
or extranet-based software. Effective Internet applications
require a thorough consideration of performance and
scalability at every step of development. The back-end
data management and front-end interface must provide
a seamlessly integrated user experience while allowing
an open technology that can be expanded with your
growing needs.
Once the information architecture and creative elements
are established, strategy sessions are held with Hieroweb
Interactive talents. This is critical to the success
of your application development because it requires
each member of the team to have a clear understanding
of the entire project and ensures that every piece
of the puzzle will fit together to complete the whole
vision. Development is achieved by taking advantage
of the strengths and unique skills of each programmer.
it and they will come" Maybe, but don’t count on it.
If no one knows about your web site, it doesn't matter how
well designed or written it is. We know how to promote your
site into the search engines. We employ several "proven"
techniques that encourage "spiders" and other robotic
search engines to list your site. Getting noticed on the Web
depends on two primary factors: First, your site must be registered
with all the major on-line search directories including Lycos,
Hotbot, WebCrawler, InfoSeek, Google, Yahoo, All the Web,
etc. Second, your Web pages must be carefully titled to include
the key words likely to be used in Web searches by your prospects.