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Website Design Trends for 2010

Website Design Trends for 2010

Less is more and really has always been. There is beauty in simplicity!

Oversized Headers and Footers
The trend will continue as it did with the introduction of CSS2 and CSS3. Having large headers with beautiful imagery as a topic based header will continue this year. Oversized footers will also continue their trend started in 2009 the introduction of CSS2 and CSS3.

Layouts will continue to have a magazine and newspaper feel due to the increased usage of blogs.

Designs for Augmented Reality and Mobile Websites
This is sizzling hot for 2010. App development for mobile along with mobile website design started last year and will continue to grow this year.

Mobile Phone Application Design and Development
All you have to do is look at all of the Android, iPhone and Blackberry apps to see how hot of a trend this is. There is no slowdown here for this year. This hot topic will continue to innovate!

Social Network Design & Development and API Development
These are also continuing hot industries that will continue to develop and innovate in 2010.

Posted by Los Angeles SEO on Wednesday, February 10, 2010 at 09:10 Comments

Free Stock Photos

Free Stock Photos

As a web designer, graphic designer stock photography helps us bring our designs to life. Most stock photography web sites can be very expensive. Following are stock photography websites that offer free stock photos. Hope you enjoy these links. Happy Designing.

    * Shutterstock
    * Studio7designs
    * 5000 Free Stock Photos
    * FreePixels
    * Hoover Stock Photos
    * Photo Rack
    * Woophy
    * PhotoEverywhere
    * morgueFile
    * FreeDigitalPhotos.net
    * StockVault
    * Pixel Galerie
    * EveryStockPhoto
    * Openphoto
    * Design Packs
    * Free Digital Photos
    * Free Historical Stock Photos
    * NationsIllustrated
    * ImageBase
    * Photogen
    * Free Stock Photography
    * FreePhotosBank
    * PD Photo
    * Aarin Free Photo
    * Abstract Influence
    * Cepolina Photos
    * Turbo Photo
    * Dreamstime
    * CreatingOnline Stock Photos
    * Kave Wall
    * Everystockphoto
    * Freerange


Posted by Los Angeles Web Site Design on Wednesday, February 3, 2010 at 10:47 Comments

Real Life Must Have Working HTML5 Examples

Real Life Must Have Working HTML5 Examples

HTML5 is going to bring exciting scripted programming to the web browser. Following are links to HTML5 demo sites that you can start looking at to educate yourself on this new standard. HTML5 is the 5th revision to html (hypertext markup language). HTML5 will have better cross browser compatibility between mobile devices, desktops, netbooks, pdas, Ereaders and whatever else can display a web pages. With HTML5 we will be able to create more dynamic web sites all driven by the web browser without the need of plug-ins.

    * HTML5 Examples
    * HTML5 Canvas Examples
    * HTML5 Canvas
    * Asteroids
    * Some Video Examples
    * Geolocation API 
    * HTML5 Tutorial
    * W3C's HTML5 Docs
    * W3C's HTML5 Validation Service
    * Editable Content
    * HTML5 Boilerplates
    * Coding A HTML 5 Layout From Scratch
    * HTML 5 examples and Tutorials
    * Dive Into HTML5
    * HTML 5 Tag Reference
    * Have a Field Day with HTML5 Forms 
    * The Power of HTML 5 and CSS 3
    * HTML5 Gallery
    * HTML5 Pocketbook
    * Most Wanted HTML 5 Tutorials
    * HTML5
    * HTML5 Utilities
    * HTML 5, The Future of the Web
    * HTML5 Offline Image Editor and Uploader Application
    * Online Painting Application
    * Fire in Your Browser
    * Line Particles

HTML5 has become such the rage that if you search for HTML5 on twitter you will read the many posts that project the death of Flash. HTML5 can do anything that flash can do and more. Google has mentioned that they envision that HTML5 will replace their Google Gears programming. Following is what Steve Jobs had to say about Flash, Adobe, and HTML5.

As for Adobe, Jobs said they are lazy and Jobs blames Adobe for a buggy implementation of Flash on the Mac as one of the reasons they won't support it. Apple does not support Flash because it is so buggy, he says. Whenever a Mac crashes more often than not it?s because of Flash. No one will be using Flash, he says. The world is moving to HTML5.

In case you missed it in the links above check out this asteroids game done in HTML5! Awesome

If anyone knows of a good CD or DVD with HTML5 training information please post links and comment to this post.

If you have good html5 resources please share them with us.

Posted by Web Design on Monday, February 1, 2010 at 14:42 Comments

How to Create a Starburst Effect in Photoshop

How to Create a Starburst Effect in Photoshop

This tutorial shows you how to create a simple starburst effect in Adobe Photoshop.

Posted by Los Angeles Web Site Design on Friday, January 29, 2010 at 10:15 Comments

Chrome OS: Is Web Based Computing Right For You?

Chrome OS: Is Web Based Computing Right For You?

Google recently launched its Chrome OS web based operating system. This is a web based; browser based operating system running on Google's Chrome browser. The current edition is a web developers release and is in its early development so much may change in later versions. Although the premise of a web based; browser based OS will remain the same.

If you want to get an idea of what the OS is like then download Google Chrome and you will experience pretty much the look and feel of this OS.

Chrome OS when ready will be released on netbooks and other devices. It is not intended to be a stand alone OS.

When you launch Google Chrome OS you are presented with a login screen that will accept you Gmail login information. One difference you will notice that is different from the Chrome browser is the button that appears in the upper left hand corner. This button launches your application page. Web based applications include Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo Mail, Google Docs, YouTube, PicassaWeb, Lala, Pandora, Twitter to name a few. Besides the app page there are also so settings tabs, and a task bar that can be set for the OS, otherwise that's it.

Now the true test is going to be who actually uses web based computing on an on going basis. Chrome OS and Cloud computing are big buzz words at the present time, but will this really catch on. After all once the internet connection is down or there is no connectivity then there goes your OS. For me I want my apps available when I want them so for me I expect more then service based on connectivity, not to mention the security issues around storing my files on some hard drive somewhere in cyberspace.

Download Chrome OS

Posted by Web Site Design on Thursday, January 28, 2010 at 15:02 Comments

How to Write Effective Email Campaigns

How to Write Effective Email Campaigns

Email marketing campaigns should be short and sweet. Research has shown that you need to grab the attention of the end user quickly with your marketing piece and you want to do that with minimal text, an attractive layout that is pleasing to the eye, pleasing graphics, and strong calls to action. Your verbiage communicating your message should be engaging and make them feel like you are discussing it to them directly as if you were in the room with them. Your call to action should be repeated several times with different font types and color schemes. A call to action can be directed to an email address, a website, a phone number, an exclusive offer like saying the first 50 orders will receive 25% off.

If the user wants additional information that is where the link to your web site from your marketing piece comes in. Once they click on your email then your landing page can provide them with additional information for them to read if they choose to do so.

You want to make your offer exclusive with a strong call to action so the user is compelled to act right then and there. The strength of the offer you make will influence the overall success of your marketing campaign.

Posted by Website Design on Wednesday, January 27, 2010 at 09:18 Comments

How your Website Design Affects your Visitors

How your Website Design Affects your Visitors

Most web surfers who leave a website do it on the page that they enter on.  Whether a web surfer stays or leave depends on how easy they can navigate to find what they want. This is known as your document structure. Ideally you want to lead your surfers through your site in a way that promotes R.O.I.

You want your surfers to view your website as having something of value to them. Value can be seen in your overall design. Is your design consistent throughout the website? Does the theme of your site match your industry? Do your colors (color palette) and graphics flow well and are they compatible? Does your web content flow well and is it well organized? If your site uses Flash is it too much? Does your Flash animation distract your web surfer?

These are all questions that can help you maximize your website design and put you on the right track. Hope this helps you in your design process.

Posted by Website Design on Wednesday, January 20, 2010 at 15:09 Comments

Combining Images/Composite Photoshop Tutorial

Combining Images/Composite Photoshop Tutorial

A Photoshop tutorial on creating compositing images.

Posted by Website Design on Tuesday, January 19, 2010 at 16:48 Comments

Photoshop Tutorial: iTunes Style Illustration

Photoshop Tutorial: iTunes Style Illustration

A tutorial on how to create a iTunes Style Illustration in photoshop, with a very cool background.

Posted by Web Site Design and SEO on Friday, January 15, 2010 at 12:51 Comments

Aqua Sphere Effect - Photoshop Tutorial

Aqua Sphere Effect - Photoshop Tutorial

A tutorial on how to create a aqua sphere effect in photoshop

Posted by Web Design and SEO on Thursday, January 14, 2010 at 09:18 Comments

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