Conversions, Conversions, Conversions!
If you have taken the time to optimize your website with your industry buzz phrases and you don’t notice any difference in your business then maybe you’ve chosen the wrong buzz phrases. All of that SEO work doesn’t mean much if it doesn’t help your business convert.
You have to make sure that you have a good web site analytical tool installed so you can track where your customers come from. If you had a hundred visitors to your web page widget and you sold 1 widget then your conversion rate is 1%. So now that you know what your conversion rate is now you can move forward to the next step and that is to increase you conversions.
So how do you get more visitors to your site and how do you get more conversions?
Make sure the widget page is well optimized for that particular widget and make sure that it is the landing page when searched.
If you have a high bounce rate then you have to break it down and figure out way, because that’s not good seo. Make sure you have a strong call to action and good document structure so it is easy to navigate and figure out.
In the end your log files will tell you a lot, take the time to understand them and to make the proper adjustments.