The spine is the most dynamic structure in our body as it allows for optimal stability and movement and maintains our posture. This highly integrated and dynamic structure is involved in all movement and is undergoing constant stress 24/7, so it should not be surprising to us when it starts to show wear and tear.
Contributing factors to low back pain include poor spinal misalignment, poor body mechanics, poor work ergonomics, decreased strength, and muscular/structural imbalances. As the low back is subject to repetitive stresses of daily life and occasional injury, it may respond by showing signs and symptoms of wear and tear. These symptoms may manifest themselves as pain located around the waistline and/or lower extremities, and possibly, numbness and tingling to the lower extremities. If any of these symptoms persist or worsen, seek immediate medical attention.
Low Back Strain: Muscle strains may occur as a result of poor body mechanics with daily activities/work tasks or unexpected movement (i.e. lifting heavy objects, slipping on ice, or motor vehicle/sports accident). All of these can cause the muscles to contract beyond their normal limits placing stress on the spine. Ice and anti-inflammatories will help reduce pain and swelling. Consult a chiropractic physician to determine severity of injury and if exercise and spinal manipulation may be beneficial.
Herniated Disc: Discs are located between the vertebrae of the spine to help minimize shock and help optimize movement. As we age, the discs lose their elasticity and may tear or bulge onto the spinal nerves. This can produce extreme muscle spasms and pain to low back and legs and/or numbness and tingling to legs and toes.
Spondylolisthesis: Spondylolisthesis is a forward slipping of a vertebrae over another. The individual may or may not present with pain and is usually the result of repetitive stress to the spine. A program emphasizing proper body mechanics, aerobic conditioning, lumbar stabilization, core strengthening, and patient education is key to eliminating and preventing low back pain. Individuals with low back pain are encouraged to take a proactive role in their recovery in conjunction with the guidance and supervision of your chiropractic physician.