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Social Media is it a Fad or Social Revolution? - Web Development Blog

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Social Media is it a Fad or Social Revolution?

Social Media is it a Fad or Social Revolution?

With all of the excitement over Twitter, Google Wave, Bebo, digg, YouTube, Facebook, WikiPedia, and MySpace is this a fad or will we be seeing additional progress from these sites towards a new social revolution? That is a very good question.

96 % of all Generation Y belong to a social network. Social media is the #1 activity on the web and has surpassed porn. Social media has 50 million users and continues to gain market share. 80% of twitter usage is via a mobile phone. Many social media users consider email passé. Blog sites are at 200 million and growing. Social media has now created a whole new search industry:
realtime search. 78% of consumers trust peer recommendations, and only 14% trust advertisements. 35% of book sales on Amazon are for the Kindle. Newspapers are experiencing record declines in circulation. Social media is not a fad it is a paradigm shift!

Posted by Website Design and SEO on Wednesday, December 9, 2009 at 15:48

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